hardwood refinishing experts

When refinishing your hardwood flooring simply isn’t enough?

It should be widely known that restoring your once beautiful hardwood flooring is much cheaper and than replacing it with new wood. However, there are a few occasions when restoring simply will not get you anywhere near your desired outcome. Despite their durability, hardwood floors are likely to wear out after decades of exploitation. Sanding out will simply not work on the deep gouges or warping caused by changing humidity. But sometimes it is not clear whether it is time for a new flooring or another sanding – after all, we want to save money and effort as much as possible. If your flooring is decades old and has been refinished multiple times in the past, chances are that the next sanding will expose the nails and wear out the tongue and groove. Therefore, it will not be worth your time to refinish it only to find that the floor is simply falling apart.

Treat your house and yourself with new hardwood flooring

Another thing to consider is the state of the floor itself. Years of exploitation will cause the boards to get unsteady or even move, while the cracks and creaks will only get worse –  especially if your house does not have humidity control. Therefore don’t bother yourself with repairs if there is a need to remove the wood. You might as well just treat yourself with a new stylish floor. Most importantly though, replace your hardwood flooring when you simply don’t like going through the pain and effort of the time-consuming refinishing. Do you truly want to have your whole place to be swarmed by fine dust? It may be high time to simply call a flooring company who will present you with a wide variety of beautiful wood, including Brazillian cherry or clear maple. You might find that installing new flooring will bring the sense of freshness to your house.

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